Monday, January 10, 2011

Personal Revolution

I just decided on a whim to do a yoga challenge at my local hot yoga studio. It's called Personal Revolution and I'm doing it to celebrate some life changes I made about 5 years ago, and being all 45ish. I think I'll write about it.
Here's how the first week went:

Day 1
What the heck, if I sign up and don't finish, at least I'll have come more than I would've if I hadn't signed up, right?
Name on the big gridded poster in the lobby of the studio. It's January 3rd I'm already 3 days behind.
Hot Yoga class. I didn't throw up, and I didn't leave the room. Good enough. Gold Star.

Day 2
I had already mentioned to a friend who owns another studio in town that it would be great for Moms if she'd offer a 9:00 class. She facebooked me and said "Your 9:00 class is waiting"
So I go to the 9:00 class. It was great, just a couple of us on a cold back to schoolish day. The teacher was nurturing and supportive.

I wasn't sure if the class at the other studio would count, so I went to another hot yoga class around noon, thinking I'd better catch up. It was even better than the day before, felt a little stronger. Still dizzy & bloaty from the holidays.

I was feeling pretty proud of myself, and just a little guilty for spending so much time on this.
But I keep thinking of that oxygen mask in the airplane thing, how you have to put that on first if you are going to be useful to others around you.
This is my oxygen mask.

Truth be told, the bathroom scale was taunting me after Christmas and I'd reached the oh, shit weight. You know, the weight you never thought you'd ever see, and then you do. So let's be honest. I'm doing this to regain whatever shred of dignity I have left in the vanity department.
It's funny. Once I decided I was going to do this challenge I suddenly got a lot less shy about being the Big Girl in the room in a yoga class. That t-shirt came off and I'm all sports bra and bike shorts, because you know what? Its ^$%# HOT in that room and you sweat like... well I just heard this kid say "like a polar bear in pajamas." So I'm thinking if I keep coming, I won't be this bulgy forever, and who really cares how big my belly is today anyway. I'm not really looking at anyone Else's belly, so who cares who sees mine? That's another thing that's good about the hot room, you have to focus so completely on what you are doing that if you pay any attention at all to another person, you lose your balance and fall over.

I'll take that as lesson number one: Mind your own business and you'll be just fine.

And so the week continued until I'd done 7 classes in a week, holy cow! I hadn't done that many classes in a week since... well that's another story.


  1. nice-
    i can only do one hot class a year- every april or so i go to carla and survive a hot class-
    my mind goes nuts and then right at it's breaking point class is over-- god god i think, people really like this-- I chug a ton of water thankful i don't have to come back for another year-
    you go girl- you keep sweating and i'll keep reading!
    good luck and congrats on your new challenge-

  2. Very impressive. Just take it week by week--even day by day. I know so many people for whom yoga has been transformative--I wish I had the determination (and balance) to be one of them :)

  3. Yes! Sports bra and bike shorts! Who cares, right? By the way, we have a yoga story coming in the next issue of Mia. Just finished editing it last night so I'm very interested. Kyle got me a Wii Fit for Christmas and it has yoga on it, but I haven't had time to do it yet. Thanks for the nudge!

  4. Congrats on making it through the first week, Steff!! I have been such a lump since the autumn and need to make some changes, too. You inspire me!
